Thursday, 28 January 2010


This is a short by Tim Burton about a seven year old boy called Vincient Malloy (top left picture) that wants to be like Vincient Price (top right). He spends hes day pretending that he is this dark sadistic lonley tortured soul, reading novels of Sir Edgar Alan Poe that is possed by his house slowly dying as he morns the death of his late wife. when really hes an over dramatic little boy. So although this animation is quite dark its also quite comical as just when you feel drawn into vincient dark and excentric world you are snapped right back out of it as the real world interupts abruptly showing you the reality of the present world.
The differnts between Victor's real and imaginary worlds are clearly demonstrated through lighting in the pictures above. The real world you notice shows far lighter tones effectivly appearing more alive, where as victors imaginary world is far more dark and dramatically mobid revealing its self to be practically dead.

I looked at the range of differnt camrea angle Burton had use to create the illusion of this wounded reality, which seems off scale twisting and turning giving you the feeling that there is nothing in your visions way that can be trusted causing you to feel some what disattached. You almost feel as if its closing in on you creating a certain claustrophobia, clasping tighter and tighter with every word and every movement convincing you of it mood, which is why the ironey is so amusing when you are snapped back to the lighter bright current world . The use of a spot light on victor is offen the trend how ever other lighting is used on his face accomponied by a shadow which show a great defined quality.

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